Bioidentical Replacement Therapy Services


What is bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT)?

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy is a treatment which helps unbalanced or declining hormone levels in females. BHRT uses a topical cream from a compounding pharmacy. The hormones in this cream are biologically identical to the hormones that naturally occur in your body. The amount of each of the hormones is specifically prescribed for each individual to balance them perfectly.

What are the benefits of bhrt?

BHRT is most common among people experiencing reduced hormone levels due to perimenopause or menopause and therefore help menopausal symptoms. BHRT can help counteract symptoms like: hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, irritability, memory problems, weight gain, sleep problems such as insomnia, decreased sex drive, and more.

what does bhrt at cmr look like?

The first step is our New Patient Appointment. This covers a broad variety of symptoms, including hormones.

Lab tests may be drawn at this appointment, or may need to be timed to coincide with a specific phase of your cycle. Laboratory testing will be a separate fee that has the potential of being covered by your insurance, should your plan cover these tests.

While on BHRT, a follow up appointment is needed every 3-6 months depending on which hormones are prescribed. Follow up labs may be periodically needed.